Monday, May 21, 2007

weekend reflections

It was so awesome being back at Relevant yesterday. After being away for two weeks it was nice to be lead in worship by the best band in the whole country. I know a lot of people blog about their band and worship leader and maybe as a lead pastor you are supposed to but for me serving with Carl is a joy and honor. Every week he and his team just bring it.
Yesterday was my first service back after attending two other churches this past week for observation. So here is what I have to say. Our volunteer staff is amazing. Yesterday I arrived at the club at about 6:45am Carl was already there getting stuff ready for the day. Can you believe a worship guy who is actually early WOW. Then about 8am the troops started rolling in and by our 9:30am volunteer prayer time there were over 60 people there getting ready for the service. If you serve at Relevant let me just say everything you do matters. For putting out directional signs to filling communion cups, to the kids who place the pens on the chairs every week you all are amazing.
We had an amazing communion service yesterday. It is always incredible for me to watch people take communion who I know have just begun their faith journey. Life change is so awesome. If you are a pastor out there let me tell you we have the most incredible job in the whole world. Be thankful for it and stop whining about not enough people, and not enough money, and not enough volunteers and just start leading. That is what we are called to do. When men called by God lead through the power of God people follow and lives are changed. If we look behind us and do not see anyone following we need to look our leadership not the followers. I cannot wait for next weekend.


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