Well We have been going through this new series called "Green" for the past few weeks and man has it been incredible. The first week we tackled the MasterCard slogan "what's in your wallet" and I think we really made some strides with this whole idea of debt and also how to put a little more green back in your wallet. Here are some stories that I received from people after last week.
story 1:
The way I save money is by washing clothing...I find miscellaneous dollar bills and I hide them until things get a little tight. Each week I try and put away about $10 and then when necessary...my stash becomes the saving grace..:) (Tip: Switch hiding places often...)
Also, I try to pay about 15% ahead on all the bills...when there is an emergency (car breaks down or Christmas comes around the corner and nothing has been purchased yet), no stress. The bills are tiny and non threatening.
Story 2:
When you go out to eat with you wife or significant other split every thing except the drink and you will find yourself spending about 1/2 the money and eating about 1/2 the calories. Also you most likely won't have left overs that sit in the fridge accumulating mold that will just get thrown out next week when the smell hits you as you look for a snack!
story 3:
Because of your teaching we spent some of Sunday afternoon creating a budget which included getting to our safety net goal, determining how much we could spend on fun every month, specific events for this year that we are saving for, and determining exactly what are our financial goals.
I know these are just a few and I am sure that there are many more but I guess I really just want us to stop spending money that we do not have and really start learning the principle of paying off debt and living within our means. There are so many people who could do some incredible things for God and for their families but they are strapped to the man because of debt and by the man I do not mean their boss I mean their creditors. Here is what Proverbs says.
Proverbs 22:7
Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender.
What does that verse say to you? please leave comments. Also I have included the video that we used for the transition. I think This nails it one the head. Enjoy.