Monday, April 23, 2007

Holy Harley it was Bike Week in Ybor

Well if you are reading this and do not attend Relevant then you may not be able to appreciate this post. But I think that it is so cool that Bike week in Tampa resides right here in front of our church. Yes that is right yesterday our worship was accompanied by the roar of hundreds of Hogs and Choppers. It was awesome that some of the people coming to the Bikefest heard the band playing and actually came in for the service. Yeah God. We have the coolest church and the best band in the country and if you disagree I would say you would just have to hear them on a Sunday to appreciate just how amazing they are.
We also had 38 people attend our lunch with the pastor yesterday and it was so cool to hear how they found out about Relevant. From invite cards, to mailers, to friend invites, to Google people are hearing about Relevant and lives are being changed. For those of you in the throws of church planting, I just want to say don't give up God is doing some amazing things through church plants all over the country. If what you are doing is not working just try something else. Just keep moving forward.
Be looking for my post tomorrow when I discuss the cursing Courtesy Driver who was shocked that people actually work in Ybor. It will be a classic.


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