Ok. Have you ever had one of those weeks that was so full of stuff that it felt like two weeks? Well that is a great picture of what has been going on for me and the rest of the crew here at the Relevant office. Right now Carly is giving birth to little Adair number 2 (they began inducing her this morning at 7:30am). Carl is frantically putting the final touches on our new set (it supposed to be simple, yet has taken the better part of two days). I am putting the final touches on my message for this week, called "Big G, little me". It all about just how big God really is. After this week let me tell you, my God is huge. Let me recap for you why I feel this way.
* Sunday during our communion service we had two more people put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. WOW
* Monday I had an amazing meeting with 6 other church planters and just celebrated the fact that there are over 1,000 people represented in our churches and none of these churches existed 2 years ago. Of those 1,000 people over half are people who just began their faith journey. Double WOW.
* Tuesday we received a phone call from the owner of the Masquerade, who said that he wanted to talk about our proposal. We offered what we felt was a huge monthly payment for us. It was low compared to what he wanted but he did not laugh at our offer. In fact he said "Let me talk with our guys and see if we can make this work." Triple WOW
* Wednesday as I am sitting in Starbucks (the annex office in Ybor) I receive a phone call from the owner, who is with his team of people running our numbers. He asks if this is our best offer to which I respond "Probably." So he says he will call me back. No call for three hours, so we as a team go into prayer mode. At 2pm I receive a phone call back from him and he asks if we can we hold off for two weeks till after Festa. I responded that I thought we could raise our offer slightly and we that increase we came to an agreement. Now mind you, the deal is not done yet, but we do have a gentlemen's agreement. God still has to come through in a major way because after spending three hours in the building on Wednesday it is going to be a big job getting the building ready for us to use. Quadruple
* Thursday I hear a story about a new couple that has been attending our church for about 2 months. They were with another couple from the church having strawberry shortcake at Parksdale Farms in Plant City (the best strawberry shortcake in the world bar none). The couple who has been attending for a while asked how they felt about the church and if they felt like it was a fit for them. The second couple responded "Absolutely", and they credited their decision to our small groups. They said we really wanted some community and we really found it here. WOW!!! Then Susie and I went out to dinner with a couple from our pre-marital class last night and they made the same statement. They said it is really so nice to have friends who you don't just see at church but you really want to do life with them, and they said it is all happening in their small groups. WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! (I forgot what comes after Quadruple).******editors note: Quintuple or Pentuple ********
Now this weekend we launch into a series called "I AM" with an emphasis on how big God is. Let me tell you right now my God is so freakin big I cannot even describe it to you. I am so pumped about this weekend. So if you were thinking about possibly missing let me encourage you to reconsider. Some of the stuff I have been learning about this God we serve has been rocking my world. If you have friends who do not have a relationship with Christ bring them with you Sunday. It is going to be awesome. If you want to ramp up for it, read Isaiah 40 that is where we are going to start this week. WOW! I AM SO STOKED. I cannot wait to see you all Sunday.
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